From the Resurrection to the End
of the World to Eternity
Rescue Mission
Mission 2012
Preached By: Bro.
Larry Hample
Welcome to From the Resurrection to the End
of the World to Eternity”. Come and join us on a voyage down through time to eternity. This CD was prepared to give you an overview of the events and the order in which they will happen; starting at
the first resurrection and going through the tribulation period to the coming of the Lord at Armageddon. Then the one thousand
year reign of Christ on the earth, the “Millennium”, after which comes the total destruction of the heavens and
the earth as we know them, followed by the Great White Throne Judgment where all the unsaved dead will be raised to face judgment
of all their works before being put into the lake of fire where they will exist forever.
pray that this CD will be a blessing to you and your family and your friends and
will answer your questions as to what will happen in the future according to the Word of God. The truths contained in this
CD are based on the final authority, the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
All scripture references are from the King James Version, God’s Holy Word.
May You Trust the Lord,
Click on the links below to listen to
From The Resurrection To The End of The
World To Eternity
This CD was made for one main reason. Within the Christian movement today there is more confusion than ever. That, in part, is due to a
lot of unscriptural preaching and teaching. Many people have
been deceived by all the false doctrines being taught. The only way to address all this is to go to the only reliable source, God's Holy Word, the
Bible. All scripture given in this CD comes from the King
James Version. We pray this CD will help you understand the fundamentals of the Christian faith and how to identify false teaching when you
are faced with it. We pray that this will be a blessing to you, your family, and friends.
May you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your